Month: May 2023

The KWFCDT Partners with Sakhe Family Care Development Centre for a Couples Enrichment Workshop

The Trust partnered with Sakhe Family Care Development Centre for a Couples Enrichment Workshop. Strong couple relationships strengthen families and in turn, communities. Through interactive sessions and expert guidance, participants gained valuable tools to build resilient and thriving relationships. Together, we’re building stronger couples, families, and communities!

Site Hand Overs for Paving and Skirting Work to be Completed at 8 Local School

Exciting updates from earlier this week!The KWFCDT is thrilled to share its progress in enhancing the local educational infrastructure, and empowering local EMEs and SMEs so they can drive the economy to greater heights Site Hand Overs took place at eight local schools, kickstarting Paving and Skirting work for the 33 newly retrofitted classrooms funded by …

Site Hand Overs for Paving and Skirting Work to be Completed at 8 Local School Read More »

The KWCDT Team Meets with Heartstrings, a Sea Vista based CBO

In line with the Trust’s recently adopted strategic intent, part of the Trust’s role as a catalyst is to capacitate and support organisations that work within communities to ensure sustainable, thriving, resilient and empowered communities and individuals The KWCDT team recently met with Heartstrings, a CBO based in Sea Vista, to discuss the various interventions …

The KWCDT Team Meets with Heartstrings, a Sea Vista based CBO Read More »

KWFCDT Invests R6.2m Towards Drought Mitigation in Kouga Municipality!

In a remarkable collaboration between the Kouga Windfarm Community Development Trust, the Kouga Local Municipality, and the Department of Basic Education – Kouga District, the Drought Mitigation Programme was launched. This multi-million-rand project is transforming the lives of learners and communities across kwaNomzamo, Kruisfontein, Arcadia, and Oysterbay-Umzamowethu. The programme’s goal is to save water and …

KWFCDT Invests R6.2m Towards Drought Mitigation in Kouga Municipality! Read More »