In a remarkable collaboration between the Kouga Windfarm Community Development Trust, the Kouga Local Municipality, and the Department of Basic Education – Kouga District, the Drought Mitigation Programme was launched. This multi-million-rand project is transforming the lives of learners and communities across kwaNomzamo, Kruisfontein, Arcadia, and Oysterbay-Umzamowethu.
The programme’s goal is to save water and revitalise dilapidated ablution facilities in local schools, restoring dignity to our learners. The solution has already had a massive impact on water consumption levels, and the modern toilet facilities have breathed new life into these educational institutions.
This project is about more than infrastructure; it fosters growth, empowerment and access to basic services, which will result in improved and enhanced quality of life. Skills transfer and job creation have been critical throughout the implementation fo this project, igniting hope and exciting economic possibilities for the local communities.
As Phase One concluded, the impact is undeniable. “This is exciting! The Trust has been on the ground delivering the much needed services to its beneficiaries,” commented our Chairperson Dr. Motlalepule Nathane – Taulela when the Trust handed over the last toilets from this first phase at Lungiso High School!
Kruisfontein Primary School, St. Patrick’s Primary School, Sandwater Primary School, and Lungiso High School are just the beginning. More schools will benefit as the programme continues, with each step bringing us closer to a future where clean water, improved sanitation, and a supportive community foster growth. Phase Two kickstarted in May 2023 to cover Humansdorp Senior Secondary, Graslaagte Primary School and Mzingisi Primary School.