The Kouga Wind Farm Community Development Trust (KWFCDT) board of trustees deemed it fitting to host a Strategy Review session in-order to strengthen its interventions on community development, improve operations of the Trust and ultimately make an impact within its beneficiary communities through the projects they fund.
The KWFCDT Strategy Review session was held on 31st August 2022 at the Cape St Francis Resort. The session was attended by the following stakeholders:
- KWFDT board of trustees consisting of 5 trustees
- The newly appointed KWFCDT General Manager
- Two (2) KWF representatives
- Five (5) BIDC officials (Trust Administrator)
- Two (2) officials from BDO (Trust Secretary and Accountant)
The strategy review was facilitated by Reana Rossouw from Next Generation Consultants who has 20 years of experience within the community development sector. The session was facilitated based on the context of the Theory of Change with the intention to explore ways in which the theory can be applied within the work of the trust. This was against the background that the Trust developed a Community Development Plan in 2021 which was informed by detailed engagements with representatives from the four communities as well as various relevant stakeholders.
The highlights and key outputs of the session include:
- Gaining new knowledge and insights on the theory of change and the application thereof.
- Formulating a roadmap for the trust based on the principles of the Theory of Change.
- Strengthening the operations in-order to deliver the required services.
The session ended off with a social evening attended by all delegates who participated in the strategy review session.
The Board of Trustees is now finalising a new strategic plan that will guide the Trust’s work in the next 6 months to three years
The first public KWFCDT AGM was held at the Cape St Francis Resort on the 1st September 2022. Forty-five (45) KWFCDT stakeholders were invited and confirmed attendance, however only 41 stakeholders attended the AGM.
KFCDT stakeholders who attended the AGM include:
- Representation from the office of the Kouga Local Municipality Mayor
- Representatives from the Rainmaker groups
- Action group representatives
- NPO representative
- Local church leaders
- Traditional leaders
The 2022 Annual Report was presented by the chairperson of the trust, Dr Motlalepule Nathane-Taulela.
The newly appointed General Manager, Prince Mpumi Matonsi, was introduced to the stakeholders in attendance. Matonsi will oversee the day-to-day operations of the Trust and thereby allowing for quicker turnaround in decision making and improving the communication between the Trust and its stakeholders. BIDC, the Trust Administrators, will support Matonsi in creating a robust and responsive Trust.
The financial report section was presented by trust’s accountant highlighting projects spend of almost R25m since inception. A detailed run down on current projects was given which include:
- Early Childhood Development (ECD)
- Code 10 drivers programme
- NEED3 to ASC programme
- Afterschool programme
- Connectivity project
- Remote working training programme
The stakeholders were afforded, the opportunity to reflect and comment on the report presented and the trustees provided clarity on the matters that were raised bythe stakeholders present. The stakeholders were appreciative of the opportunity and platform to reflect on the report and other queries related to the trusts operations.
The board of trustees, trust General Manager, KWF representatives, BIDC and BDO team, conducted site visits at various KWFCDT project beneficiaries as well as 3 sites earmarked for the construction of multipurpose centres.
The following sites were visited:
- Magaba Day Care Centre in Sea Vista (ECD Remedial Programme beneficiary)
- Noluthando Day Care Centre in KwaNomzamo (ECD Remedial Programme beneficiary)
- Graaslagte Primary School as part of the (Afterschool Programme beneficiary)
- Sites earmarked for the construction of the Sea Vista, KwaNomzamo and Kruisfontein Multipurpose centre